For anyone who wants to get healthy turning fresh fruit and vegetables into juice is one way to achieve this. This is especially true if you or other family members aren’t that fond of vegetables. One cup of juice can pack a ton of healthy nutrients and oxidants to help reduce the risk of many diseases including developing cancer.
Different juicers will have different features so it is wise to sit down and think what you want your new juicer to do. Do you want to make homemade peanut butter, fresh applesauce or even start making your own baby food? Your answers to these questions will have you looking at different makes and models.
For example, if you wish to prepare butters from nuts and baby food you should look at the Omega J8006 juicer. This is a top of the line machine that extracts the maximum amount of juice from all fruits and vegetables including those leafy greens.
If your main reason for juicing is to just have fresh juice in the mornings then a juicer such as the Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Extractor is a great starting point. You can experience all the benefits of drinking fresh juice while spending around $70.
The Nutribullet Juicer is very popular and you have probably seen the infomercials on the television for this product. What’s nice about this machine is that it comes with handy small containers with lids which makes them very portable and easy to take with you on your way to work in the mornings.
Something else to keep in mind when thinking about which juicer to purchase is how easy they are to both set up and clean. Both the Breville Compact juicer and the Cuisinart CJE have been shown to meet both of these criteria. Customers who have purchased them are surprised at just how easy they are to clean up and assemble out of the box.
Warranties are important so don’t forget to look at what warranty is covered with each juicer and how long they are covered for. I know that the Omega brand of juicers have warranties that now last for 15 years, a nice offer for sure.
Juicing is definitely one of the new healthy trends and is a good way to get your children their daily requirements. Many kids will not mind drinking a fresh glass of fruit or vegetable juice in the morning. Adding some beets to the mixture turns the juice a nice red color and may be more appealing to the younger generation.
Buying a new juicer is a good move for anyone wanting to lose weight or just get healthy. Now all that is left is to decide just which one you want to buy.