There is a lot to be said for an organized array of spices and seasonings. When you’re cooking, it saves time and trouble to be able to reach in and grab what you need. And, it really helps eliminate those ‘spice disasters,’ such as putting paprika instead of cinnamon in your oatmeal. Continue reading
When you think about it, one of the most often used areas in the kitchen is the refrigerator. So, it makes sense to organize this space just like you would your pantry and cupboards. You can even go further than that; think about your refrigerator like your clothes closet and use the same organizing techniques you would for scarves, jewelry, gloves, or other small items. Let’s take a look at the basic arrangement and then move into some clever ways to best utilize the space you have. Continue reading
It is truly amazing the things we throw away every day. Many of these simple items we think of as garbage can be used in clever ways to store all sorts of things. And the best part is you don’t have to spend a dime! Here are a few of my favorite ideas for turning trash into useful containers for your kitchen organizing projects. Continue reading
Teaching your grandchildren to cook can be a great way to bond in the kitchen. Cooking basics are essential tools your children will need throughout life and therefore there is never a good time like the present to begin teaching them.
By getting them involved in helping out with meals your grandchildren will begin to pick up on skills that will help them as they get older. Of course, everything you teach has to be age appropriate and safety should always come first.